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NEWS Lloyd Godman

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A catalogue of Bromeliads used for various projects by - © Lloyd Godman

This is a catalogue of bromeliads used by Lloyd godman for his various installations and photosynthesis projects - the collection of pants he accessed in New Zealand from 1996 - 2004 was collected from a wide range of sources, while most were brought from Greens Bromeliads, some were also donated by the Dunedin Botanical Gardens. Later in 2004 these plants were either sold or given away with his move to Australia.

Lloyd is at present re-establishing his collection where he now lives in Melbourne.

A Lexicon of Bromeliads: A resource by Lloyd Godman

Genus - Aechmea: Sub- family - Bromelioideae: Family - Bromelioideae

Generally, Aechmeas form large urn shapes or tubular structures that hold reservoirs of water, however there are also some smaller plants. Many are epiphytes that can adapt to growing in the ground, but they need a free draining soil. The leaves are often heavily marked with silver trichomes and they produce colorful blooms which are short lived, but the inflorescence is long lasting. They are found across a huge range of habitats in central and south America. Many are hardy plants and many can withstand cooler temperatures and dryer conditions. Some have spectacular flowers which can last for months. If the flowers are pollinated the plant often forms colourful berries which contain an sticky jelly that is edible.

Plants are marked NZ for those collected in New Zealand - or Aust - for the new plants collected since coming to Australia


Aechmea ornata varnationalis